Why Choose Windscreen Repair Over Replacement?

Chips occur and can be repaired easily at a minimal cost and with a decent profit margin that you can add to your bottom line. We have all experienced it. You are driving down the road and suddenly a rock hits the windshield creating a chip on the glass. What most people do not know is that most of these fractures can be repaired if they are caught in time, keeping repair costs to a minimum and keeping the glass out of our landfills. In addition, many insurance companies waive the full deductible charges when the customer decides to repair the windshield instead of replacing it. Both parties earn by spending less money on a repair.

Windscreen Chip Repair Kit Perth

Windshield repair is a permanent solution to an old problem. Chips occur and can be repaired easily at a minimal cost and with a decent profit margin that you can add to your bottom line. And in today’s tough economic environment, Windshield Repair is being recognized by many different industries such as detailers, carwashes, lubricants and car dealerships as a way to positively impact your business with an additional service offer. Windshield repair is a great first choice over replacement for a variety of reasons.

Windshield Repair:

Save Money: Repair is a fraction of the cost of replacement.

Save Time: Repair is quick, usually 15-20 minutes, while replacement may take hours.

Saves Glass: Repair maintains extension damage and provides a great looking result. Windshield repair saves time, money and the environment.

Save The Environment: Most people do not know that the laminated glass of the windshield is not recycled. When choosing the repair first, keep your glass out of the landfill.

It Retains The Original Factory Bail: The repair brings the windshield back to the factory specifications and retains the original factory bail (if not previously replaced), which means that safety will not be compromised for drivers and their passengers. An improperly replaced windshield may create a safety hazard by which the airbags could blow out a windshield and therefore fail to provide expected safety.

Windscreen Repair Perth

Successful windshield repair will stop glass cracking. With the average replacement cost around $ 350, your customer is usually happy to live with a barely perceptible repair while paying a small fraction of the replacement cost. And they can not pay anything out of their pocket when they use their insurance coverage.

Windshield repair is not only a cost-effective option for your customers, but also the environmentally sound option. By decreasing the amount of glass entering landfills and reducing the need for new glass manufacturing and transportation, we can all have a positive environmental impact.

Read out the things to consider while choosing windshield repair service here.

Contact Us:

Injidup Loop, Clarkson,

Western Australia 6030


Tel: 0408 717 570

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